23 February 2017

Monaco Philharmonic Orchestra

The Office des Émissions de Timbres-Poste offers a special cancellation from February 23th until February 28th. This time the topic is the Monaco Philharmonic Orchestra.

16 February 2017

Private Collection of Antique Cars

The Office des Émissions de Timbres-Poste offers a special cancellation from February 16th until February 22nd. This time the topic is the Private Collection of Antique Cars.

09 February 2017

Theatre Princesse Grace

The Office des Émissions de Timbres-Poste offers a special cancellation from February 9th until February 15th.

07 February 2017

200 Years Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince Special Cancellation

To celebrate the 200 years of the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince, the Office des Timbres issues a special cancellation to be used from February 1st, until February 8th, 2017.

05 February 2017

200 Years of the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince

The Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince (Prince's Company of Carabineers) is the Infantry division of the Force Publique in the Principality of Monaco, which oversees the protection of the Sovereign and the Prince's Palace.
Formed by Prince Honoré IV in 1817, the unit was reorganized in 1909. The company numbers 119 officers. Along with the Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers, the Carabineers form Monaco's total public forces.